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A Viscount's Heart for Christmas (Book 5, Age of Innocence) Page 2
A Viscount's Heart for Christmas (Book 5, Age of Innocence) Read online
Page 2
The duke stood as well. “My pleasure. When are you going to the country?”
“Not until after Christmas. My mother and sisters have been hinting I should spend more time at my country seat and aren’t happy I’m staying in London for the holiday.”
Wetherby nodded. “Unfortunately, that’s one of the trials of being spymaster. Come back to the house with me. I could use another male in the house for the next fortnight, as I wait for my child to be born. It will give us more time to figure out what to do with Red Knight.”
“I’d be happy to accept. Let me take care of a few things, and I’ll accompany you. It will be good to see Hannah again.”
Wetherby poured them another splash of brandy while Edgerton finished his paperwork and locked sensitive papers in his desk. They left the study and accepted greatcoats and hats from Akers. Unfortunately, when the butler opened the door for them to depart, the two men were met with a raging snow storm. Six or seven inches had already fallen.
“When did this start?” Wetherby said. “Ares won’t like trying to slog through that mess. I guess you’ll be the one hosting me for the evening, Edgerton. I’ll need to send a note to Hannah.”
“Not sure anyone will get through that mess. You can hardly see a foot in front of you.”
Wetherby stared at the blowing snow piling up at an unprecedented rate. He couldn’t remember a storm this ferocious so early in the season before. Edgerton was right. He wouldn’t put a footman’s life in jeopardy to deliver a note to Hannah. It wasn’t the first time he’d spent the evening away from her, but this situation was a little different, with his wife due to give birth soon. Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do until the snow stopped. Much to his dismay, he was stuck at the townhouse with Edgerton. “I’m afraid I agree with you. Hopefully, this storm will let up and we can make an attempt tomorrow afternoon.”
They shook out of their outerwear and handed it off to the butler.
“I’ll have Mrs. Tyrell make up a room for you and inform Cook there will be one more for dinner,” Edgerton said.
Chapter 2
ANOTHER PAIN WRACKED HANNAH’S BODY, and she screamed in agony. “Where’s the doctor?”
Courtney shook her head. “I don’t know. I’ll go see if Thomas has returned.” She wiped Hannah’s brow once more before going downstairs. When she entered the kitchen, Thomas was coming through the door, shaking the snow off his coat and hat. “Thomas, where’s the doctor?”
He shook his head. “Unfortunately, the doctor was not at home. He was attending a sick family on a small estate outside of London. With the snow piling up so fast, the household has little expectation of a quick return.”
“Did you leave a note for when he returns?”
Thomas nodded. “Yes, although the butler didn’t hold out hope the doctor would return this evening.”
Courtney looked out the kitchen window and was surprised to see how fast the snow was piling up. Was it only an hour ago that she and Hannah were walking in the garden? There was no way her mother’s carriage would be able to get through the drifts.
There was no outside help for them tonight. She took a deep breath, vowing to do whatever she could to help Hannah safely deliver the child. “Thank you, Thomas. Have a cup of tea and warm up. As soon as Mrs. Brinkman returns, please send her upstairs.”
“Yes, Lady Courtney,” Thomas said as he stomped snow off his boots.
Courtney turned and ran up the stairs once more. She prayed Joseph would have better luck locating her brother, but she wasn’t sure that would happen either. However, the market wasn’t too far away, and she hoped Mrs. Brinkman could brave the weather and return sooner rather than later.
Another scream from Hannah had Courtney rushing into the bedchamber and going to her sister-in-law’s side. “I’m here, Hannah. I’ll help you any way I can. Unfortunately, the doctor was out of town attending another patient and it’s doubtful he’ll return tonight. Tell me what I can do to help you.”
“Oh no!” Hannah cried as she fell back against the pillows. “The pains are coming faster now. I feel the child will be born soon, and I’ll need to push him out into the world.”
“What can I do?”
“You’ll need to help guide the baby. Please tell me if you see the baby’s head when I push. Can you do that?”
Courtney nodded. “I think so.” She dipped a cloth in the basin of water and wiped Hannah’s face.
“Courtney, now!” Hannah screamed, straining hard.
Courtney went to the end of the bed and lifted Hannah’s shift. “The head is coming. What now?”
“Help guide the child.”
With a dozen more hard pushes, Courtney was helping the baby into the world. She grabbed a drying cloth and began to clean the baby.
“Is it a boy?” Hannah asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Courtney nodded. “It is. He’s very small though. Isn’t he supposed to cry now?”
Thankfully, at that moment Mrs. Brinkman rushed into the room. “Lady Courtney, please stand aside,” she said as she took the child from Courtney. She turned the child over and rubbed his back vigorously. It took only a moment for the first cries from Wetherby’s son to fill the bedchamber. She pulled some string from her pocket, tied the cord, and snipped it before handing the child back to Courtney. “Clean up the child as best you can and give him to his mother.”
Courtney gingerly took the child and gently wiped his face and body. “There you go, little man. You’re a handsome one, aren’t you?” she cooed.
Mrs. Brinkman went to Hannah’s side and picked up her hand. “Your Grace, I know you’re spent, and you’re nearly finished, but you must push again. Can you do that?”
Hannah closed her eyes in exhaustion. “Again?”
“I promise it will be over soon. Now push.”
Hannah nodded and pushed again.
“Good,” Mrs. Brinkman said. “Almost done. One more push.”
Hannah did as Cook asked and expelled the afterbirth.
“Very good. You did well, Your Grace.”
Hannah collapsed against the pillow. “Let me see my son.”
Courtney had finished cleaning the baby and wrapped him in a soft white blanket. “He’s a healthy boy.”
As Hannah reached for her child, tears of joy leaked from her eyes. “Greetings my beautiful boy. I see you were impatient to see the world.”
Mrs. Brinkman directed the maid to clean up the bed and gather up the soiled cloths. “Congratulations, Your Grace. You’ve given His Grace a beautiful healthy son.”
Hannah looked up. “Thank you ever so much for your help, Mrs. Brinkman.”
“I’m glad I was here to help, but Lady Courtney did most of the work,” she said before leaving the bedchamber.
Courtney pulled up a chair beside the bed. “Camden will be thrilled you’re well and have given him a healthy son. I’ve never witnessed anything so terrifying and absolutely wonderful at the same time.”
“Has Joseph returned with my husband yet?” Hannah asked.
Courtney shook her head. “I’m sorry, Hannah, but the snowstorm is still raging, with snow piling up quickly. It must be a chore to walk through because Joseph hasn’t returned yet.”
Hannah looked down at her son and chuckled. “Well, my little one, you’re definitely going to be handful if you couldn’t wait one more day for your father to be here to greet you.”
A giggle escaped Courtney. “I’m afraid you may be correct.”
Hannah held out her hand to Courtney. “Thank you, my dear, for helping bring my son into the world. You did an amazing job, and I’ll be sure to tell Camden and your mother how well you handled everything. I couldn’t have done this alone.”
Courtney squeezed Hannah’s hand. “I’m glad I could help you. I admit I was terrified and hated t
o see you in such pain.”
“I’m afraid it’s part of the process of bringing a child into the world. Why don’t you go to the kitchen and have a nice hot cup of tea to refresh yourself? My son is hungry, and then we’ll both take a nap.”
Courtney kissed the baby’s head. “I will return shortly to check on you both.”
Hannah nodded, putting the child to her breast.
Chapter 3
THE NEXT DAY DAWNED BRIGHT, and the snow sparkled in the sunlight. Edgerton and Wetherby had to wait until midday before their horses could slog through the snow to the duke’s townhouse. Luckily, the distance wasn’t too great. Courtney was in the parlor when she heard Mr. Hester open the door and say, “Welcome home, Your Grace.”
She jumped up and went out in the hallway, where she rushed into her brother’s arms. “I’m so happy you’ve returned.” She stepped back when she noticed that another gentleman had entered the foyer behind the duke.
“Lady Courtney, may I make known to you Lord Edgerton?” Wetherby said. “He’ll be staying with us for the next fortnight. Lord Edgerton, my sister, Lady Courtney.”
Courtney stared at the gentlemen shrugging out of his greatcoat. She was sure she’d never seen a more handsome man, and her breath hitched as she gazed into the most brilliant blue eyes she’d ever seen. She’d seen the Elgin Marbles before, but none compared to the beauty of the flesh-and-blood man standing before her. Before it became awkward, she took a deep breath and curtsied. “My lord, a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
Edgerton handed his greatcoat to the butler before bowing over her hand “Lady Courtney, the pleasure is mine.”
“Where is Hannah?” Wetherby asked.
Courtney tore her gaze away from Edgerton. “She’s resting in her bedchamber.”
Wetherby didn’t hesitate, but raced up the stairs to check on his pregnant wife. When he reached her bedchamber door, he knocked lightly before entering. “My darling, I’m so sorry I didn’t return last night. I was with Edgerton, and the blasted snow piled up faster than I realized, preventing me from venturing out or even sending a note around,” he said, striding into the room.
Hannah smiled at her husband. “I understand, my darling, but now I require a kiss as penance for leaving me alone last night.”
Wetherby chuckled. “My pleasure. A penance that I’d gladly perform over and over again.” He reached his wife’s side in three strides and pressed his lips to hers, desire scorching a trail through every fiber of his being. Despite Hannah being large with child, his desire for her had never waned. “Shall I join you, my dear?”
“Of course, but—”
“But? I don’t think I like the sound of that. Am I being punished?”
Hannah lifted the blanket. “Not at all, my darling. I only meant I don’t want you to crush your son.”
Wetherby’s mouth fell open as he stared at the tiny baby next to his wife. “Son?”
Hannah nodded. “A beautiful, healthy son and heir,” she said, lifting the sleeping child toward her husband.
Wetherby rubbed his hands on his breeches, reluctant to hold the baby. He was so tiny. After a moment’s hesitation, he reached for the precious bundle and cradled his son in his arms. His gaze went to his beloved Hannah. “Oh my darling, now I’m even more sorry I wasn’t here to help you yesterday.”
Hannah smiled. “It was probably better you weren’t. I won’t lie to you—birthing your son was difficult, but Courtney was magnificent in helping guide the babe into the world.”
“Courtney helped?”
“Yes. We were alone in the house, and with the snow piling up, the doctor couldn’t attend me. Your mother had not returned either, but Courtney handled everything well. I’m so proud of the courage she showed in such an unfamiliar situation. I couldn’t have managed without her.”
“I’ll be sure to thank her for helping you.”
Hannah smiled. “Courtney will be thrilled. I’m grateful you were able to plod through the snow today, my darling. I missed snuggling next to you in our bed last night.”
“MY LORD, WOULD YOU care to join me in t he parlor? I’ll order a tea tray,” Courtney said.
“Thank you. I would be pleased to join you. A hot cup of tea sounds wonderful after slogging through the snow,” Edgerton said.
Courtney led him into the parlor. “I’ll return in a moment.”
She could have easily summoned Bethany with the bell pull, but she wanted a moment or two to calm her racing heart. She went in search of the maid to order a tea try and request that she stay in the parlor as chaperone. It would be scandalous to be alone with Edgerton, although Courtney wouldn’t mind spending time with the handsome lord. She didn’t find Bethany right away and walked into the kitchen. “Mrs. Brinkman, His Grace has a guest, and I’d like a tea try delivered to the parlor.”
Mrs. Brinkman nodded. “Of course, my lady. I’ll send Bethany with one soon.”
“Thank you. I’ll also need her to stay with me during the visit, as His Grace is upstairs with Her Grace.”
“Of course. It will only be a few moments,” Mrs. Brinkman said.
Courtney hurried back down the hallway, wanting to take advantage of the few minutes she had alone with Lord Edgerton before Bethany brought in the tea tray. She smoothed her skirts and patted a stray curl back in place before entering the parlor. “A tea tray will be delivered momentarily, my lord.”
Edgerton was standing by the window with his back to her. She drank him in as the sun drenched him in light. He was tall and broad-shouldered, with muscular thighs that filled out his breeches and blond hair that was longer than was fashionable but fit him well. He was indeed the most handsome man she’d ever seen. Granted, she had met only a few gentlemen in the country, but none had stirred the fluttering in her belly that Lord Edgerton had when she first laid eyes on him.
When he turned and flashed a smile of perfect white teeth, her knees went momentarily weak. His gaze seemed to bore into her very soul, unveiling every secret wish and desire. Her body flushed, and she stood rooted in place.
“Lady Courtney, are you well?”
His deep voice brought her out of her trance. “Yes, thank you. Won’t you have a seat?”
Courtney sat on the sofa, and Edgerton took a chair opposite her. Her hands were trembling slightly, and she asked the first thing that came to mind. “Was traveling difficult today?”
Edgerton nodded. “It was treacherous. The horses barely kept their footing. Luckily, I don’t live far from here.”
“Oh dear. In that case, I fear my mother will not be able to return today.”
“If she went visiting by coach, she will probably not be able to travel for another day or two at the very least, unless the snow melts rapidly.”
“I see,” Courtney said, secretly happy that she would have more time to talk with Lord Edgerton without her mother’s interference.
With a light tap at the door, Bethany brought in the tea tray loaded with sandwiches and sweets. “Lady Courtney, where would you like the tray?”
“Here on this table will be fine,” Courtney said, pointing to the low table between them.
Bethany set the tray down and discreetly took a seat in the corner.
Courtney swallowed hard, trying to bring some much needed moisture back into her mouth before looking at Lord Edgerton. “How do you like your tea, my lord?”
“One lump of sugar, please.”
Courtney fixed the tea and piled sandwiches and sweets on his plate before handing it to him. Their fingers momentarily touched, and a delightful shiver raced up her arm. What was happening? She’d never felt so unsettled before, and it took a moment to fix her own tea. She took a sip, but quickly put the cup back on the saucer, hoping that Lord Edgerton hadn’t noticed how badly her hands were shaking.
eir hands brushed. A jolt of awareness flooded his senses. What was that about? It had never happened before upon meeting a young lady. He’d been in the company of many beautiful women before, but none had captivated his attention like the dark-haired beauty sitting opposite him. He’d known Wetherby had a sister but had no idea she’d grown into such a stunning young woman. He smiled as he accepted the tea. “Thank you.”
It was unusual for him to be drawn to an innocent, since his tastes usually ran to willing widows who knew how to please a man. There were no commitments or misunderstandings with widows—it was just mutual satisfaction. However, there was something about this blue-eyed beauty that held him captive, and he wanted to know more about her. Was he actually thinking about settling down?
With Wetherby’s sister?
He dismissed the thought. He had responsibilities to the Crown and no time for a wife. He determined to keep the conversation pleasant. “Are you enjoying London, Lady Courtney?”
A smile lit up her oval face. “Yes, very much, thank you. I will be forever grateful to my brother for allowing us to come to London early.”
“Is this your first time in Town then?”
Courtney shook her head. “No. I’ve been here before, but the last time wasn’t a very long visit, and we barely left the townhouse. My mother prefers living at our country estate and does not often come to Town.”
“I see. Do you prefer the country?”
“No. That is to say, I like it fair enough, although there’s no excitement there. I much prefer London and can’t wait to come out in the spring.”
“I assume all young ladies look forward to their Season.”
Before Edgerton had a chance to talk to Lady Courtney further, Wetherby entered the parlor. He went to his sister and pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly. “Thank you for helping Hannah yesterday. I shall be forever grateful for your assistance with my wife and son.”